Open Source SIEMS


Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) systems play a critical role in protecting IT infrastructure by collecting, analyzing, and correlating data from various sources to detect and mitigate threats. Open source SIEMs offer a cost-effective and customizable alternative to proprietary solutions. In this blog post, we will explore three popular open source SIEMs: Wazuh, AlienVault OSSIM, and Elastic SIEM.

  1. Wazuh:

Wazuh is a highly versatile, open source SIEM platform that combines the capabilities of intrusion detection, vulnerability detection, and endpoint security. It is built on top of the Elastic Stack, leveraging Elasticsearch for log storage and Kibana for visualization. Wazuh’s key features include:

  • File integrity monitoring (FIM) to track changes in critical system files and configuration.
  • Log data analysis to detect security threats, system errors, and policy violations.
  • Host-based intrusion detection system (HIDS) to identify and prevent unauthorized access.
  • Compliance reporting for standards like PCI DSS, GDPR, and HIPAA.
  • Integration with threat intelligence feeds for enhanced threat detection and response.
  1. AlienVault OSSIM:

AlienVault OSSIM (Open Source Security Information and Event Management) is a comprehensive SIEM platform that integrates various security tools to help organizations detect and respond to threats. It is the open-source version of AlienVault’s commercial offering, USM (Unified Security Management). AlienVault OSSIM’s key features include:

  • Asset discovery and inventory for monitoring and management of network devices.
  • Vulnerability assessment to identify and prioritize security risks.
  • Network and host-based intrusion detection systems (NIDS and HIDS) to detect potential threats.
  • Incident response management for streamlined threat mitigation.
  • Real-time event correlation and reporting for proactive threat detection.
  1. Elastic SIEM:

Elastic SIEM, part of the Elastic Stack, offers a powerful, scalable, and user-friendly SIEM solution. It utilizes Elasticsearch for data storage and Kibana for data visualization and analysis. Elastic SIEM’s key features include:

  • Centralized data collection and analysis from various sources, including logs, metrics, and events.
  • Advanced analytics capabilities, powered by machine learning, to detect anomalies and potential threats.
  • Built-in case management and collaboration tools for efficient incident response.
  • Integration with Elastic’s Endpoint Security and Elastic Agent for enhanced visibility and protection.
  • Customizable dashboards and visualizations for tailored security monitoring and reporting.
  1. Apache Metron:

Apache Metron is a scalable, open source SIEM platform designed for big data environments. It leverages the power of Apache Hadoop, Storm, and Kafka to process, store, and analyze vast amounts of security data in real-time. Apache Metron’s key features include:

  • High-performance data processing and real-time analytics for swift threat detection.
  • Integration with various data sources, including logs, network traffic, and threat intelligence feeds.
  • Advanced machine learning-based anomaly detection to identify suspicious patterns and behaviors.
  • Customizable dashboards and visualizations to tailor security monitoring and reporting.
  • Extensible architecture, allowing for seamless integration of additional data sources and analytics tools.
  1. Prelude SIEM:

Prelude SIEM is a modular, open source SIEM solution that emphasizes interoperability and flexibility. It uses the Intrusion Detection Message Exchange Format (IDMEF) standard to facilitate communication between various security components. Prelude SIEM’s key features include:

  • Support for numerous data sources, including network and host-based intrusion detection systems, firewalls, and log analyzers.
  • Scalable architecture that adapts to different environments and use cases.
  • Event correlation engine for identifying complex threats and reducing false positives.
  • Customizable rules and alerts for tailored threat detection and response.
  • Integration with third-party tools and platforms for a comprehensive security ecosystem.


Wazuh, AlienVault OSSIM, Elastic SIEM, Apache Metron, and Prelude SIEM are five popular open source SIEMs that offer comprehensive security features to help organizations protect their IT infrastructure. Each platform has its unique strengths and capabilities, making them suitable for different use cases and requirements. By understanding their key features and differences, you can choose the best open source SIEM for your organization’s needs.