Getting Started w/ Docker

Docker containers can help approach server infrastructure into the IAC framework. This can help with software development, prototyping and Enterprise Scalability. Docker Debian Install script: Docker Manual Linux Install: Docker Portainer Install: Docker Basic Commands: Docker Compose Basic Commands: References:

3D Printed Graphene Computers

Electronics can be a complicated assortment of various metals and materials across many manufacturers. Keeping it stupid simple, graphene is a superior material in regards to electrical properties, battery storage, and photovoltaic abilities. The simple carbon design can be 3D printed on an atomic scale to a macro-function. Simulating the electrical properties of graphene structures …

Plasma Gasification

I proposed a complex question to current existing LLM AI systems. Something that could be a modern solution to the world’s recycling and trash problem: Adminotaur : Can you describe plasma gasification , how it solves unsustainable recycling, and trash heap landfills? BARD: Plasma gasification is a waste-to-energy process that converts municipal solid waste (MSW), …

Network Discovery

To inventory your network you have to discover what devices are connected to it. This can be used to study networking concepts or to map your Enterprise Network. There is a number of solutions in how to discover the network. Here is a list of some networking tools that can help you map your network. …

GIS Smart City

Introduction: With the rise of smart cities, the need for accurate and timely monitoring and data analysis has become increasingly important. This is where the integration of WebODM, QGIS, ROS, and LoraWAN comes in. By combining these technologies, it’s possible to set up a Pidrone for mapping, ROS to control the drone, process data with …

LoraWAN Smart City

LoraWAN Intro: LoRaWAN (Long Range Wide Area Network) is a wireless communication protocol designed for long-range, low-power communication between sensors, gateways, and the cloud. It operates in the unlicensed industrial, scientific, and medical (ISM) radio frequency bands and is highly suitable for Internet of Things (IoT) applications. LoRaWAN enables battery-powered sensors to operate for long …

Open Source SIEMS

Introduction: Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) systems play a critical role in protecting IT infrastructure by collecting, analyzing, and correlating data from various sources to detect and mitigate threats. Open source SIEMs offer a cost-effective and customizable alternative to proprietary solutions. In this blog post, we will explore three popular open source SIEMs: Wazuh, …

Network Firewalls

In today’s digital landscape, protecting our devices and sensitive data from cyber threats is crucial, regardless of whether we are at home or at the office. Network firewalls serve as the first line of defense against a wide array of online dangers, including hackers, malware, and other forms of cyberattacks. By securing your home or …


Ansible is an open source automation platform that works with almost every technology from Linux, Windows, AWS, Azure, Zabbix, Cisco, and much more. Getting started with open source Ansible can be difficult to setup and understand, the intention is to help you get started to help you on your automation journey. Ansible Can be installed …

Digital Nomad

Do you work remotely for a company or as a freelancer? You are thinking of traveling the world and dont know some of the technical details on how to do so? There are some basics that you need to know. Now that you know the basics, you need to plan where you will visit and …